Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week Two - Song 2 - Doing the Same Thing as Last Year by Emily MacLeod

I am not gonna lie week two was a little rough on Monday I felt tired and moody and by the weekend I had the flu. After week one went well there was part of me that was afaird that I wouldn't be able to write another good song for this week. For week two our assignment was to put up our writers antennae and find real life inspiration eg. spend time out in cafes and different locals and see what kinda songs can be sparked outta real life observation. One thing I noticed that was really interesting was while I was doing my research I judged it and part way thru I realized that I had to just listen make notes and trust that a song would come. Well when I was getting up from my chair I heard the guy behind me say to the women he was sitting with "I'm just doing the same thing as last year" and I thought there is a song idea. The word of the week for me is "Trust" I learned to trust the creative process more and trust that there will always be plenty of inspiration out there in the world! Looking forward to week three I feel like I've already learned so much. Below you will find my lyrics and link to this weeks original song.

Doing the Same Thing as Last Year  by Emily MacLeod

Can’t help feeling that I’m losing out to time
and I’m doing nothing good with it

Running round in circles a for nickel and dime
is taking it’s toll on my spirit

but theres a comfort to the places I know
it’s so easy to just go with the flow
before I know it a whole year has blown

I’m just Doing the Same Thing as Last Year
I’m just Doing the Same Thing so caught up in fear
Just Doing the Same Thing, the same thing, the same thing

Your telling me that, that was five years ago
I laugh and say I can’t believe it

How can it be that be that so many days
were lost without much meaning

but theres a comfort to the places I know
it’s so easy to just go with the flow
before I know it a whole year has blown

I’m just Doing the Same Thing as Last Year
I’m just Doing the Same Thing so caught up in fear
Just Doing the Same Thing, the same thing, the same thing

In my dreams I’m climbing mountains
and travelling the world
Every moment in stops
in vivid colours for me to hold

No more Doing the Same Thing as Last Year
No more Doing the Same Thing so caught up in fear
No more Doing the Same Thing, the same thing, the same thing

Copyright Emily MacLeod 2014

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